- Home Page: contains brief overview, occasional feature articles (at launch, a short piece about the Bragg Symposium") and one or two featured resources from the "Learn about crystallography" collection
- about: contains information about the Year's goals and activities, sponsors, international support; and has a link to download the prospectus
- events: a calendar of forthcoming events, organised by day/week/month/year views or as individual event listings. These can be added to by anyone from the "contribute" section
- learn: sets of links to web or other learning resources, organised as "look", "listen", "watch" (and also "do", "read" etc.). At the moment, the idea is to build this as a set of criticllay chosen resources of value to the wider public; typically one of these will feature each week on the home page
- contribute: links to forms to add events (go straight into the calendar) and educational materials (added to the list on the iucr website at http://www.iucr.org/education/resources; selected ones from these might be added to the "learn" section)
There is also a page under development, http://www.iycr2014.org/timeline, which follows up on Marvin Hackert's brilliant idea of dynamic timelines. This page isn't yet generally visible, and should be kept hidden while still under development. The four timelines other than the Nobel Prizes are being populated from Lima-de-Faria's "Historical Atlas of Crystallography". This chose to cut off at 1970, so we might like to consider how to extend these timelines to the present day.
If interested, there is another trial page http://www.iycr2014.org/website-of-the-week, where the idea was to feature, each week during the Year, a particularly interesting or educational website by embedding it within the IYCr site. As can be seen, this is not technically easy, and it may be better to just list such websites as another category in the "learn" section.