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The science is in the data

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:02 pm
by Brian McMahon
A new article "The Science is in the Data" has been posted as an early-view article in IUCrJ, with DOI

The article, by John R. Helliwell, Brian McMahon, J. Mitchell Guss and Loes M. J. Kroon-Batenburg, is based in part on John Helliwell's Keynote Lecture at the 2017 IUCr Congress in Hyderabad, and has the following abstract:

Understanding published research results should be through one's own eyes and include the opportunity to work with raw diffraction data to check the various decisions made in the analyses by the original authors. Today, preserving raw diffraction data is technically and organizationally viable at a growing number of data archives, both centralized and distributed, which are empowered to register data sets and obtain a preservation descriptor, typically a `digital object identifier'. This introduces an important role of preserving raw data, namely understanding where we fail in or could improve our analyses. Individual science area case studies in crystallography are provided.